

The Decision to Begin!
Once you have decided to "begin", the most challenging moment is perhaps the "first class". New students are most often shy and somewhat intimidated when they begin.

Meeting the Challenge!
However, this is usually very short lived as they realize this is fun and stimulating. They discover that this "challenge" is within their grasp; they "can" do this. Children adapt quickly and look forward to the excitement.

Our Flexible Schedule!
Adults find "regular life and its responsibilities" often interfere with their training schedule; their greatest challenge --- getting to the dojo on a regular basis. If they make their training one of their priorities, they discover that it is well worth it. Taking the first step is difficult. Keeping a regular training regime is often a greater challenge. But working with our flexible training schedule allows them to make their training a priority.
Our Partners
Avalon Karate Club works closely with organizations such as Jump Start, The Real Program, and Kid Sport NL to provide an equal chance at learning karate! Their programs provide recreation and leisure opportunities to children and youth in financial need. Avalon Karate also is a member club of Sport Newfoundland & Labrador, Karate Newfoundland & Labrador, Karate Canada, The World Karate Federation & ZenPlanner

KidSport NL

REAL Program


Sport NL

Karate NL